Parature Goes Back to School by Donating Supplies to Washington DC Classrooms

McLean, VA

McLean, VA (September 26, 2005) – Parature, a leading provider of award winning, on demand customer support software, marked the beginning of the school year with their First Annual School Supply Drive. In the weeks leading up to the school year, company employees donated hundreds of dollars worth of supplies for students and teachers at PR Harris Learning Center, one of Washington D.C.’s most deserving and neediest schools. “Parature employees really embraced the School Supply Drive and made it a tremendous success,” said Leslie Rife, Human Resources Manager at Parature. “We hope these school supplies help the children of DC get a great start to the school year.”

Students in grades first through eighth started their first week of school by receiving necessary classroom items, from crayons and glue to notebooks and book bags. Additional supplies will be used throughout the year for general classroom activities, and as awards and incentives for school related programs.

“As another school year begins, Parature is proud to join the community in making sure our kids are ready for the classroom,” stated Duke Chung, CEO at Parature. “Too often the burden of providing basic school supplies is left to the teachers and principals, who frankly already work hard enough. With the support of businesses, like Parature, we can help to ensure the children of DC have the basic needs met to facilitate a successful start to the year.”

“This school supply drive is the first of many activities we have in our new Community Outreach Program, which encourages our employees to donate their time, money, and other resources for the good of community,” noted Chung. “Next month, we have a Parature team walking in the DC Aids Walk on October 1st. The overwhelming acceptance and participation in the Community Outreach Program attests to the team culture we have here at Parature. I’m proud of our employees, and look forward to Parature getting more involved in giving back to our community.”

Source: Parature
