The Benefits Of Home Agents

Virtual call centers depend heavily on home agents and with good reason. A distributed workforce offers several benefits such as around the clock service covering different time zones, tapping into an experienced workforce that may for some reason be unable to travel, reducing the number of shifts of the on-site call center, reduced overhead costs and saving of real estate expenses, etc.

By giving the agents the flexibility to choose their timings call centers promote productivity, the virtual employee only needs an internet connection, a computer, and a phone to get started. Contact center solutions aimed at virtual contact centers and intuitive graphical user interfaces make it easy for an agent to breeze through the learning process. You do not need to purchase and set up expensive hardware to set up a virtual call center. Instead you can direct your resources elsewhere.

Managing a distributed workforce is also not an issue because of solutions that offer real-time call center metrics same as those available in a bricks-and-mortar environment.


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  1. […] The crowning moment took the shape of an Aspect Software customer presentation, which created significant buzz. With hard numbers in a very powerful presentation format, one of our large global banking customers was able to demonstrate to his contact center colleagues how a huge organization like his is leveraging Aspect Software products to achieve its goals.  He provided the audience with an overall picture of the company and the technology it’s currently using, and delivered information about his company’s plans to move forward with UC and virtual environments.   […]

  2. madhu says:

    I think It can be lonely if you do not have regualar contacts with co-workers and supervisors. Forums are critical to keeping informed. Not getting feedback from a supervisor can in some cases lead to a sudden crisis. Make a point of touching base with your supervisor on a regular basis.

    Discipline is required. You need to work a set amount of hours and then spend time with your family. In the past I have ended up working 60 plus hours a week. More time on the cpu and phone does not mean you get more done.

  3. […] The crowning moment took the shape of an Aspect Software customer presentation, which created significant buzz. With hard numbers in a very powerful presentation format, one of our large global banking customers was able to demonstrate to his contact center colleagues how a huge organization like his is leveraging Aspect Software products to achieve its goals.  He provided the audience with an overall picture of the company and the technology it’s currently using, and delivered information about his company’s plans to move forward with UC and virtual environments.   […]

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